We produce
the best conversion
UX Rocket helps to earn money by increasing conversion rate through customer behavior analysis, digital channel personalization and customer experience improvement.
• Easy to deploy — only one string of code an Header section oe native SDK for mobile aplication
• Streaming data collection on website and mobile app visitors
• Store full RAW data for retrospective analytics
• Automatic AI based marking all events at all pages
• Building a conversion funnel to identify ‘growth points'
• Analysis of good and bad paths for website and mobile app visitors
1. Collect and Analysis customer behavior data
• Formation of targeted content, recommendations and assumptions
• Adaptation of Customer Experience for target segments
• Data from internal systems can be used as personalization cretaria
• No need to involve IT development team
• Fast creation of personalization ideas with full control on/off
• Safe mode testing before publication to peoduction
• Support AB and MVT approach
• Support multi-page personalization campaigns
2. Create and manage Personalization Ideas
• Setting up content targeting rules (up to 40 attributes)
• AI Based A / B and MVT (Multi Variant Testing) testing with results visualization
• Personalization ideas comparation, based on target event conversion
• AI calculated reliability and forecast of test duration
3. A/B and MVT testing
How DOES IT work
Collects raw data about ALL actions of a client behavior from mobile application and web site combined with back office systems data
Analyzes data (conversion funnels, Sankey, end-to-end analytics and any customized reports)
Segments the audience by session parameters or custom features
Clearly shows growth points and blocks at customer journey
Personalization of content and structure without site / mobile app development team involvement
AI driven test personalization ideas on selected audience segments (AB and MVT)
UX Rocket Testing UX/UI with A/B
  1. Get market fit with your products — test your ideas
  2. Improve conversion rate — test your Website/App
  3. Boost you sales with hyper-personalized banners

Conversion Rates

Growth Package

Improve your conversion with the variety of journey analyzers and A/B test your enhancement’s ideas.

Free subscription + 150 hours UX/UI consultancy

  • Collect raw data – every single click
  • Build conversion funnel and Sankey diagram
  • Analyze your site traffic
  • Eliminate bottlenecks where visitors bounced
  • Run a few experiments based on our joint assumptions
  • Check what improvements affects conversion best
  • Report experiments results


Banners Package

Boost your sales with setting up banner’s campaigns, running A/B tests and maximizing personalization

Free subscription + 150 hours UX/UI consultancy

  • Set time frame of banner’s campaign
  • Design a few options of personalized banners and check
  • Select attributes of target customers
  • Define the rules of banner’s impressions
  • Run campaigns and collect sales data
  • Compare results of most-effective banners (mobile/desktop)
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